It didn't feel real or true. It felt as if I had to wait  Manifestation Magic Review to become successful (what ever that means) before I could successfully call myself a writer. Not true! These I AM declarations were like my calling card inviting the greatness already within me to rise. It is in the declaring I AM an Inspirational writer that we touch base with the Inspiration within that allows me to write and to deliver talks in a way that inspires others. Your Moral compass is clearly about You and how You want to navigate life.As I started out in my new career I began to declare my intentions as an Inspirational writer and Speaker as if they were already true. At first just saying I AM an Inspirational writer felt very uncomfortable.  These questions are confronting society today, as never before. The law can never change people. Only Jesus Christ changes people, where it really matters. Only Jesus Christ can transform people from bigots and bullies, into loving God, and loving your neighbour.Mediums have been a part of our culture since the beginning of recorded time.People are deeply hurt and pained and scarred and scared and wounded because of the lack of these qualities, and yet, our gracious loving forgiving God desires to see these grow and be produced within our lives. Why do you judge your brother? Why do you think you are better than he is? We are all going to stand before Almighty God one day, and God is going to judge us. Scripture asks and answers fundamental basic questions.    The question that should be asked is this, "If God is the source of all blessings, why should he starve the people who are called by His name of the blessing of prosperity.By paying careful attention to our emotions, we gain much needed insight into who we really are.Think about going for a photoshoot where you will be modelling for clothes. Summer clothes, winter clothes, men wear, women wear, sometimes even modelling for animals.     Music evokes something eternal within the deepest reaches of our psyche. We enter a provocation of feeling; we're drawn toward it, to enter it, and what we enter is a healing space, for we're being real about how we feel.Is it difficult to be different for Christ? Surely what you don't know how to do will seem difficult to do, however when you know the 'how to' of a thing and practice it, it becomes a walk-over for you. Being different for Jesus entails a progressive walk with Him.

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