3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise - Metabolism Boosting and Preventing Fat Storage

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As usual with a new dieter, I went whole hog on many  Keto Genesis Review  of the latest and greatest diets with some success but the same old story after I stopped the diet. The pounds crept back on and even added a few more for good measure. Every year I would vow to lose weight and every year I would end up with a pound or two more regardless of the diets I used.

I finally figured out that there are 3 basic rules that can help you lose weight and keep it off. If you want to use any of the popular or proven diet plans to kick off your weight loss efforts, that's good too. Some people need to see a little positive results in order to get motivated. Just don't go to radical and cause any health issues or aggravate any current medical treatment or problems.

The first rule is to pay attention to what you eat. That sounds like a no brainer but many people don't. It's like the old adage of think before you start talking, but in this case its think before you start eating. I keep a very lose running list of food and calories that I consume every day in my head. I don't write everything down or try and figure out the exact calorie count of everything I eat, just a running daily total. I have decided based on my own reckoning that I should keep my daily intake to about 2000 calories a day to maintain my current weight. So that's my daily limit. Most days I can easily do that with out any serious effort.

The second rule is to compensate for any slip-ups or running over my daily limit. From time to time I may go a little above the 2000 calories, so I try and do something to help compensate. I know that walking for about an hour at a medium pace will burn 300 calories. Or if I do some strength and weight lifting I get the initial burst of burning calories but these types of exercises also have a longer burn rate and so they really help with a few extra calories to burn. These aren't tough or even difficult to do and they are actually a little less time consuming than walking for an hour.

