Lose Weight Online - Some Important Tips That You Should Know


Of these two ways to create a calorie deficit, burning the fat through activity is far superior to trying to starve it off. What happens when we cut calories too much is that it does cause some weight loss at first but it also causes muscle tissue loss. This is not a good thing for an overweight person as it causes a decrease in metabolism (the rate you burn fuel).

The modern approach is to do the opposite of dieting and that is to burn the fat off using strength training exercise to increase the metabolic rate so you are burning more fuel every minute of the day and night. Dieting slows this down, proper exercise increases it. Proper exercise also has major health benefits, while starvation can only create health problems both short term and long term.

To get this increase in metabolism you have to work your muscles through their ranges of movement under a load. Recreational endurance activities like walking, jogging or cycling will not do this, so keep those activities as part of your active lifestyle but remember only muscle building and strengthening activity has the power to increase your metabolism.

So forget the eat less mindset and fuel your body with healthy foods every 2-3 hours so you have the energy to support your exercise regime as that is where you will get your fat loss from. Ditch the processed stuff full of fat, sugar and chemicals and give your body the most nutrients you can with fresh natural foods cooked from scratch making sure you include a serving of protein at each of your 5-7 small meals.

