Important Things Every New Web Developer Should Know
During the last several years, businesses have evolved a lot and they are still continuing to emerge and evolve and their underneath technology, web and systems are getting more and more complex, hybrid and highly technical. Therefore, it has become very important for the businesses to keep tracking the latest trends in the market and keep updating their businesses’ website, apps and systems. It is also important that the website, applications and systems provide high efficiency, productivity and cost effective opportunities for the businesses. Although the businesses have to invest initially in the website design and development but in the long run it is always exceptionally beneficial of the success of their business.
The Custom Web Development of your site should be aligned with your business’ objectives, goals, nature of its operations, requirements and budget. It is the role of the web developers to apply smart approaches and strategies, innovation and resourcefulness in the website design and development work and come up with an intuitive, multitasking, result oriented and smooth website application. But to achieve all of these goals and tasks the web developer should be well versed with certain things which we are going to discuss now in this article.
- HTML and CSS: Don’t make assumptions that HTML are CSS are very easy. So many web developers are still mastering HTML5 and CSS3 to create fast and beautiful experiences in web browsers across many types of devices. That’s why many front end developers like UX designers are more popular than server-side developers these days. This is because UX engineering is bit more complicated to learn.
- JavaScript: Today you take any Web Development Company they all have expert JavaScript developers as Full-stack JavaScript is very popular right now and it will remain so in coming years as well. Many developers think that they know JavaScript because they can write a bit of jQuery but simultaneously JavaScript is turning into a unique and robust tool for servers, devices, robots and even web browsers. By learning this, you don’t need to learn functional and prototype based programming and you will also learn about many JavaScript libraries and frameworks in the way.
- Product Management: So many of the developers lack product vision and awareness. In other words, they don’t know how to build great products and write great code. Product management needs the ability to understand the business objectives, manage a project, follow Agile processes and methodologies, and listen effectively to users to create a product as per the requirements. Remaining developers need to learn how to carefully follow the instructions of the full time product manager who can make the right decisions.
- Frameworks: Now due to recent technological updations, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, C# and Python all have multiple frameworks designed to make web application development more efficient and easy. You as a web developer need to pick the one of your choice and learn it carefully to become master of it. After that build multiple web apps with it and make sure you know its most of the different features on both the server and browser side. If you learn one framework in depth then it will be easy for you to learn and understand new and other frameworks in future.
- Git: Learning the Version controlling of your source code is very important and Git is the most preferred tool for version control among web developer community as it helps in collaboration, record keeping and incorporation with deployment processes. If you are just getting started or you are into the web development for long, both of you should try Git and learn it and also learn how to engage in social coding via GitHub.
- Caching: A good Web Developer should know about caching. If you want to give great user experience on your website then its speed is one of the most important factor to consider and deliver. So many developers don’t know how to design and implement a good caching strategy and that’s why they have to rely on so many unnecessary calls to database and/or to file system which slow down the things considerably and ultimately give slow experience to the users. Hence it is important for the web developers to think about getting as much data in memory as possible and then getting things cached at the file system level and avoid making calls to a database which decrease the speed of the website operation quite a lot. Most of the modern frameworks have inbuilt ways to use memory and file-system caching. Hence take your time and learn how to do this even if there is not huge traffic on your site.
We have just discussed about the top things, technologies and concepts which every web developer especially the new ones should know and master. These are the important things if you want to build highly attractive, effective and efficient web applications. You don’t need to learn all of these things overnight, you can take your time. Many people take years for becoming proficient in these things and the process of learning never ends. The best way to learn is by directly start practicing. You can also take help from online instructions from an expert developer, many available online courses and tutorials and by searching your queries on search engines. StackOverFlow is also be one of the best website to learn any concept or to clear your doubt.