Things To Remember When Working on a Website

Web and Digital

This is the digital age and everything, I mean every single thing, you name it, is online. There is no going around that. It is both quite convenient and sometimes truly annoying. It is convenient because there is a large volume of information from a myriad of sources right at the press of a button and you can access this information anywhere at any time. You can communicate with loved ones across the globe in a matter of seconds, you can buy things from across the world and have them delivered within a few days.

The advantages are truly uncountable. However, it can sometimes be quite annoying to figure things out in this digital era, especially for the older generation who were not just born into this era but rather had to find their way through it. The reason for the difficulty is usually because of how different everything is set up from one another. If you master your way through one website or one app, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can now go through all websites and apps like a breeze. Every site is different from one another and usually, this leads to major confusion, so if you are on the developing end of the spectrum, then here are a few things to keep in mind:

Don’t Over Complicate Things

The more complex a website or an app is the more work you have to put into it and the cooler it will seem but don’t forget that not everyone will be able to appreciate nor use it if it is over complicated. When making a website or an app, try as much as possible to keep things simpler. We don’t mean simpler in functionality, as in not to make your website or app lack super cool functions but rather make it easier for the user. You can get a good idea of how easy it is to navigate through your website or app by conducting usability audits. This will determine the ease with which the general user will use the application or website, this can be quite useful and helpful to the developer to get an idea about the changes that will need to be made to make the website or app more user-friendly.

Make Things Very Obvious

As a developer of software, an application or website you must understand that your audience or users come from a variety of backgrounds and will, therefore, have a very diverse extent of knowledge in using your product. Keeping that in mind, you must make your product be very easy to understand by the majority. The best way to do this is to use icons and images of things that are known and generalized among the majority of people. For example, if they need to close a window, have a very prominent Red Cross, this won’t be missed by the user and is quite self-explanatory. The user will navigate through your product with much ease and be able to make use of it more efficiently.