Java App Development is the Gateway to IoT

Web and Digital
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Java is possibly one of the most dynamic languages that despite being around for almost two decades continues to evolve and serve in varying software development environments. For instance, it started out as a platform to build embedded systems and desktop applications. Then as the web became popular, Java Applets for a while was the default choice for building web applications. Then came the age of mobile devices where Java continues to hold its dominance. 
Be it the dumb phones from a decade ago or the 2+ billion Android devices currently in use, every single one of them uses applications built on Java. Yes, the recent debate of Java vs. Kotlin has raised questions on its future but that’s a story for some another time. The point here is that Java is an extremely versatile language and it might come as unexpected but this decades-old language is perfectly suited for IoT development

Now before we get into the specifics of Java, it is important to understand the requisites of IoT itself: 

   ·    Real-time response capabilities for millions of device endpoints

   ·    Faster time to market

   ·    End-to-end security

   ·    Integration with IT systems

   ·    A worldwide, coordinated ecosystem of partners


If you analyze all the above requirements, you club them into basically three categories:

   1.  Platform independence 
   2.  High performance 
   3.  High security 

So any language that meets these requirements would work well with IoT. As it turns out, Java is exceedingly well at all three. 

Platform independence

Java is highly interoperable with zero dependence on underlying hardware or platform and that is its biggest advance in the IoT domain. After all, IoT itself is a collection of various systems including but not limited to sensors, cloud computing, new/legacy hardware, networks, and more. Because Java works well on each of them individually, it is well-equipped to work on the entire IoT ecosystem as a whole.  


The fact that Java is extremely CPU and memory efficient makes it well suited for smaller devices like IoT. In fact, because Java was initially built to be used for embedded systems- that also have low computing and memory capacity, makes it the leading choice for building IoT applications. 


Except for the security fiasco a few years ago, Java is an extremely secure and stable platform. There are two key factors worth considering in this regard: since IoT devices are remotely operated and managed, their stability remains a non-negotiable factor- something that Java delivers. Also, most of the security and vulnerabilities are generally found in legacy systems, something Java is extremely compatible with. 

Bottom line

The death of Java has been prophesized for years but with each new technology, the language reinvents itself to serve a new purpose. From Web to mobile and now to IoT, its seamless transition is the ultimate proof of its versatility. So if you are business exploring your options in IoT, Java development company is what you need.