Deciding When to Use the Multisite Feature in WordPress

Web and Digital

WordPress Multisite is one of the most misunderstood features by the site owners. They tend to draw towards it in a hope for managing multiple sites easily. This feature compromises over the flexibility that WordPress offers to them. It’s not completely true, as it can be helpful in certain cases of a multipurpose WordPress theme websites and others as well, but in the worst case scenario it may lead to administrative complexities. Let’s understand what exactly WordPress multisite is and when to use this feature.

Understanding WordPress Multisite
WordPress Multisite allows the owner to run different WordPress websites from a single installation. A single WordPress admin dashboard is capable of handling all the websites. The complete management of the website can be done with the help of single dashboard such as features, user roles, sites, themes etc. In fact you can manage any number of websites with this feature. is the finest example for this feature. Ever imagined how it manages, it’s the WordPress Multisite.   

When to use Multisite?
WordPress Multisite is used when you are developing a network of websites which share similar functionality. Here are some cases when you can use WordPress multisite.
1.    When you are managing a network such as company having network of agents or a bigger corporation having different companies, different communities etc. 
2.    In case you are a manager or a promoter or your are responsible for controlling the branding, its better to opt for a multisite.
3.    WordPress Multisite Feature is also beneficial when there is a requirement for a multilingual website  and each language has to promoted separately. 

When not to use multisite?
Here are few areas where you should avoid the use of multisite. 
1.    You should not use WordPress multisite if the websites managed by you have different goals, functionality, purposes etc.
2.    The database required is different. Multisite has one common database which stores data for every website. 
3.    Suppose you want to share a common content across all websites or if you want a cross-site search tool. All the network websites are independent of content and do share content with each other. 
Pros & cons of multisite
Have a look at the pros and cons of WordPress multisite. This will further help you in deciding when to opt for it. 

1.    If all your websites are having similar functionalities, you can apply same update to all the websites. All the plugins and templates updates apply to all the network websites collectively.  
2.    All the new websites inherit the modified versions of plugins and themes.
3.    You can create websites in fractions of seconds.  
4.    WordPress multisite can also be used for content isolation. 

1.    If the plugins, themes and widgets have been modifies, they will not be able to work originally for a new multipurpose website theme.
2.    The websites cannot add plugins on their own. Permission from network administrator is required.  
3.    Cloning the networked websites is a tough task.
4.    While backing or restoring the websites, apart from your websites all other networked websites roll back.  
5.    More memory consumption in a multisite. 
6.    Separating a website from the networked websites is really tough. The URLs are at risk.  
7.    If any website of the network results in spiking the traffic, the same may affect other networked websites as well. 

Winding Up
Make sure that take the services of a good hosting provider. Multisite feature is a blessing from WordPress but should be used after analyzing the scenario.