Witness the hike in the Google rank of your WordPress website

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 WordPress website development services

Are you still not aware whether your WordPress website is SEO friendly or not? There are many more reasons apart from the search engine optimization that needs to be taken care of, to boost the rank of your WordPress website in the Google SERPs. 

Why re-analyse the SEO of your WordPress website?

As goes the saying, “there is always a room for improvement”, so are we writing this post to help you re-analyse your current SEO situation of your very own WordPress website.

There is no doubt about the fact that expert and professional companies rendering WordPress website development services are dexterous enough to take care of the SEO factors of your WordPress website. Still, self-efforts harm none!

Search-engines bring you traffic and if you don’t make the search-engines happy, they will not make your pocket happy! 

Without much further ado, let’s have a look at some of the most important factors important for boosting SERPs. We are listing here some of the best plugins that will highly increase the SEO of your WordPress website.

Top 4 Reasons to use plugins by the way...

1.You don’t need to have knowledge about a single line of code when you are using plugin during your WordPress website development.

2.Secondly, most of the plugins are free, especially those ones at the top level are completely free. There is no excuse that you can procrastinate on using the plugins. 

3.There are thousands of plugins to choose from in the WordPress repository of plugins. When it comes to SEO, the choice is huge.

4.You can choose the plugins according to the requirements of your WordPress website. Each plugin has a dedicated set of functions to suit different websites.  

Yoast SEO:

Whoever has thought and researched about SEO of a WordPress website, must be knowing about the best plugin- Yoast SEO. Free version as well as premium version is available. 4 star rating with almost 2000 testimonials prove the power of this extraordinary plugin.


●Free version available.
●Google preview with free keyword.
●Flesch readability checker.
●Duplicacy checker

AMP for WP:

This plugin could have easily been put on the top of the list if we take into consideration the rating it has got!  Rated 4.5 out of 5, AMP for WP is the best plugin to optimize your website according to the Google Mobile First Index. A clean and hassle-free software for WordPress website development. You can’t give it a miss. Can you?

W3 Total Cache:

W3 Total Cache optimizes your WordPress website by boosting the SEO of the website. It works by:

●Reduces download time of the website.
●Dynamic website performance.
●Website rank is boosted.
●Surprisingly, 10 times improvement in the SERPs.


Another very popular free plugin used to optimize your WordPress website is definitely- Redirection.  It is a very popular redirect tool. Rated 4 out of 5 in the star reviews, it performs following functions:

●404 Error tracking.
●301 redirection.
●Broken tools and orphan pages can be easily taken care of using the advanced tools of this plugin. 

Rich Plugins Google Reviews

Last but not the least, we have Rich Plugins in the list which is definitely an extraordinary plugin to showcase your Google reviews in your WordPress website. Testimonials are vital! Aren’t they? You are not only able to impress your potential clients but also Google sees it as a great thing and ranks your website higher!


So, here was a useful write up on how to boost your WordPress website ranking. Plugins are essential but their choice make a whole lot difference. If a plugin doesn't suit your website can actually be detrimental for your website and will let the rank down.