New Features Of C# 8.X


We are a certified Microsoft App Development firm, and we would like to throw some light on the unique characteristics of C# 8.x. In connection with this, we would like to share that the new features available in C# 8.x (Developer Version) are syntactic improvements as well as minor additions to the features that were available when C# 7.0 was introduced. The new features added are being regarded as an intentional decision, and in all probability, these are going to stay this way only.

The new changes that have been introduced are as explained below:


Read-only members:

In the original version, the 'read-only' modifier can be applied to any member of the structure. This implies that there is no modification in the state of the member. This can be considered as more granular as compared to the application of the 'read-only’ modifier to a declaration of a structure.

As it has been observed in most of the 'structs’, the 'ToString(,)' function does not modify the state. The can be easily indicated by the addition of the modifier' read-only’ while declaring the 'ToString()' function. The change that precedes results in a compiler warning and the warning is about the creation of a defensive copy. As the state of the 'distance' does not change, the signal can be fixed by the addition of a read-only’ modifier.

The above feature allows specifying the intent of the design. This allows the compiler to enforce it. After that, optimizations can be done as per the purpose.


Default interface members:

Being a leading provider of dot net development services, our experts observed that it is now possible to add members to the interfaces. It further provides an implementation for the specific members. Because of this, it is now possible to add methods by the API authors to the interphase. This can be done without having to break the compatibility of the binary or the source. The implementations that exist would inherit the implementation of the default. As a result, C# can inter-operate with the APIs targeting Swift or Android. As for the default interface members, they can enable scenarios that are the same as the traits of the language. The default interphase members can have various types of effects on the language elements along with other situations.


Additional patterns:

Shape-dependent functionality is possible because of pattern matching. This can happen across different types of data, but that are related to each other. The features such as the 'are' expression and the 'switch' statement were considered as the first probable steps to support the paradigms of programs in which the functionality and the data stay apart from each other.

Being specialists of Window App Development, we could observe that apart from the new additions, there were recursive patterns as well. As a result, any pattern expression is represented again as a pattern expression.


Switch Expressions:

These expressions allow using expression syntax more concisely. The repetitive 'break' and 'case' keywords are few. At the same time, the curly bases are also less in number. As a result of this, if any application was defined as 'RBGColor’ using the components R,G, and B, a 'Rainbow' value can be converted to the benefits of the RGB with the use of the switch expression.

Several improvements in the syntax can be observed here like:

  • The variable appears before the 'switch'. Since the order is different, it is possible to separate the switch statement and the expression.
  • The ':' and 'case' elements have been replaced with '=>' which is more intuitive and concise.
  • The '_' has come in place of the 'default' case.
  • The bodies are now expressions. These are no longer statements.


Property Pattern:

This allows matching the property of the object being examined. For example, an eCommerce website calculates sales tax based on the address of the buyer. This computation can be held as a core responsibility of the 'Address' class. It is bound to change later. The pattern matching results in a specific syntax for the expression of an algorithm.

It is expected that with the new features of C# 8.x, the productivity of this language will go up. The new features will facilitate writing codes that would be more compact, as well as easy to understand. Most importantly, laws will be robust enough to perform without any error at run-time.