A ‘revolutionary’ new weighing scale, invented by an NHS nurse and the first of its type in the world, will have ‘huge benefits’ for patients, according to a member of the senior team at NHS Lanarkshire.


The Patient Transfer Scale, which will be launched later this year, is designed to weigh immobile patients faster and more easily than current solutions.


An accurate weight reading is important when drug dosages need to be calculated or treatment ... Read more

Keberadaan rumah sakit sangat dibutuhkan pada setiap daerah. Terlebih lagi ketika wabah datang menyerang umat manusia, tempat paling pertama yang dipenuhi adalah rumah sakit. Akibat dari fenomena tersebut limbah yang dihasilkan dari rumah sakit semakin bertambah. Solusi paling tepat mengontrol dan mengolah limbah melalui Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah yakni IPAL Rumah Sakit.

Teknologi IPAL ... Read more