Amsterdam, 10. Januar 2018 - Displayspezialist AOC kooperiert jetzt mit G2 Esports, einer der dynamischsten und erfolgreichsten eSport-Organisationen weltweit. Das gab das Unternehmen jüngst bei der Vorstellung seines globalen eSports-Sponsoring-Programms bekannt. G2 Esports wurde 2013 von dem renommierten Pro-Gamer Carlos 'Ocelote' Rodriguez gegründet und etablierte sich schnell als ein Titan in der europäischen eSports-Szene und auf vielen internationalen Events. Ihre beeindruckende ... Read more

Amsterdam, 10 January 2018 - Display specialist AOC today officially introduces their global esports sponsorship program by partnering up with G2 Esports, one of the most powerful and successful esports organisations worldwide. Founded in 2013 by renowned pro player Carlos "ocelote" Rodriguez, G2 Esports quickly established themselves as a titan of the European circuit at various international esports events, with an impressive track record and current 79 titles won. AOC is readying itself to ... Read more

Amsterdam, 19. Dezember 2019 - Displayspezialist AOC wird die weltweit führende eSport-Organisation G2 Esports zukünftig noch intensiver fördern und unterstützen.

AOC und G2 Esports geben bekannt, dass sie ihre seit Januar 2018 bestehende, sehr erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit weiter verlängern werden. AOC unterstützt als eine der führenden Monitormarken im Bereich eSports und wettbewerbsfähige Games Trainingseinrichtungen von G2 mit neuesten Technologien für höchste Präzision und ... Read more


eSports or electronic sports refer to organized competitive video gaming. In recent years, eSports have emerged as a global phenomenon attracting massive audiences both online and in-person at live events. Millions of people worldwide regularly watch popular games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others being played at the highest professional levels. This burgeoning industry has seen explosive growth in terms of prize money, ... Read more


eSports or electronic sports refer to organized competitive video gaming. In recent years, eSports have emerged as a global phenomenon attracting massive audiences both online and in-person at live events. Millions of people worldwide regularly watch popular games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others being played at the highest professional levels. This burgeoning industry has seen explosive growth in terms of prize money, ... Read more


eSports or electronic sports refer to organized competitive video gaming. In recent years, eSports have emerged as a global phenomenon attracting massive audiences both online and in-person at live events. Millions of people worldwide regularly watch popular games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others being played at the highest professional levels. This burgeoning industry has seen explosive growth in terms of prize money, ... Read more


eSports or electronic sports refer to organized competitive video gaming. In recent years, eSports have emerged as a global phenomenon attracting massive audiences both online and in-person at live events. Millions of people worldwide regularly watch popular games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others being played at the highest professional levels. This burgeoning industry has seen explosive growth in terms of prize money, ... Read more