Skin is the largest organ of the human body that protects it from external microbial attacks and infections. Daily sun exposure, pollution, wounds on the skin, and bacterial and fungal attack, make an individual prone to several skin problems like pimples, fungal infections, scabies, and many more. Although these problems are not life-threatening, but it can be distressing and can affect an individual’s lifestyle, self-esteem, and confidence. Hence, it is recommended to ... Read more

Some degree of hair loss is normal, but if the hair loss is more than the hair growth, then it can be a serious problem. Hair loss can be characterized by the receding hairlines, patchy hair loss and thinning crown. With aging, people start to lose more hair which results in less hair volume and hair thinning. Due to prolonged exposure to dirt, pollution, stress, and various other factors, many individuals start to lose hair at an early age. The hair loss can affect the mental health and ... Read more