A dial-up connection is a form of internet access that works by establishing a connection with the internet service provider through the public telephone network. The AOL dial-up connection allows users to experience an enhanced broadband internet connection and also keeps users safe while the access the net. Dial-up connections are normally slower than broadband internet connections and users often call ... Read more

AOL is one of the most popular email services active today. Millions of users around the world use this free web-based email service for personal as well as business communication. AOL mail has a wide range of features including virus and spam protection. The best thing about AOL mails is that it is compatible with all major internet browsers and operating systems. Users may sometimes experience errors when trying to set up their AOL mail accounts on Mac for the first time ... Read more

Sometimes the AOL sign in screen can go missing from your desktop screen and when this happens you must not panic. As this is a very common occurrence with this software. You will be happy to know that this error is faced by almost everyone who uses the AOL software. And the solutions for this one error are many. There are around six methods you can try that can help you fix this error and if you continue reading this blog, you will get to know how to execute the steps and ... Read more

Spams are useless and unnecessary emails that the users receive on their email accounts. It is bearable till the amount is less, once you start receiving spam emails in large amount it would obviously trouble you. These days spamming has become a common issue and spam emails often lead to misleading and fraudulent information which would eventually put the user in trouble. If you are an AOL email account user and you have recently come across the issue of receiving a large ... Read more

Aol help number - The issue of AOL mail search not working is not an uncommon issue and it has troubled many users across the world. If you are wondering that what actually AOL mail search is, then you will get all your answers here in this blog. In the layman terms, AOL mail search is something which delivers the listings based on the user's preference related to web searches such as videos, images, maps, ... Read more

AOL or America Online is a renowned name in the domain of the email service provider which has eased the communication. Undoubtedly, you have received immense appreciation worldwide for its mind-blowing features and excellent performances. It kept on upgrading on its performances as well as on the features. It allows the users to enable the send as well as receive the messages to the desired recipient, sending the large attachment, video call, and much more. If you wish to ... Read more

AOL, one of the renowned online service, can become your solution for all the tasks such as emails, internet browsing, dial-up internet, surfing various webpages, news, games, and more. However, one of the most frustrating issues that the online service can come across is when the AOL server is down. This can act as a roadblock for accessing many services. To fix this issue, you can execute the steps shared in the blog. And, if you wish to have a word with the tech experts, then feel free to ... Read more

Being the widely used email service provider, AOL has millions of users. Providing reliable services, world-class features and powerful security options, this email service provider has become the heart of everyone. Exclusive of these premium features, if you are an AOL advanced plan member or have subscribed to its paid version, then you must be familiar with its amazing plans. Aren’t you!  

But in case, if you wish to cancel the AOL email ... Read more

Being considered as one of the most dignified email service providers, AOL provides hassle-free email services to its users. If you want to access your AOL email, you need to ensure that you have a web browser and good internet connectivity. It will ultimately become easier for you to use a single application instead of using both-AOL Email and Apple's Mail, which will keep your emails more organized. You can specifically create an AOL mail account in the Apple mail ... Read more