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Deerma TJ200

Available price - 120.00$

Deerma TJ200 Main Features * Dry and wet Vacuum, multi-functional brush head, easy to clean Nissan 100+ kinds of garbage. The water-absorbing brush can easily absorb domestic sewage. * 1200W motor, 33,000 rpm, 18000PA strong suction, easy to suck the water in the bucket. * Hairdryer mode, opinion conversion mode, the tube is connected to the rear interface of the main unit, becomes a hairdryer, blows dry floors, and blows dry pet hair. * 6.0L large dust bucket, transparent to see the internal dust, one to remove the dust bucket, easy to dump the garbage. * Four universal wheels, 5m power cord, 1.5m hose, and 0.82m aluminum tube, easy to operate, suitable for cleaning large rooms. Wraparound 4-fold filtration system with 150mm large diameter HEPA filtration. * Washable hood.