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Wenge - African timber

Wenge wood is shiny and has rich oiliness. It’s texture is straight, strong and fine-grained as well as having high intensity, high shrinkage and good bending ability, thus makes it very stability, away from worm-eaten and corrosion.

Being one member of the Class I Redwoods, Wenge has a “V” pattern on the flat-sawn face of the heart wood used by high-end consumer groups. It has very fine and irregular wood grain with purple and brown wavy strips which makes a deep-colored and unique texture.

Wenge wood has natural fragrance that is refreshing. It’s tough and waterproof feature makes it an natural advantage for being flooring material.


Latin name:     Millettia Laurentii

Origin:    莫桑比克

Air-dry density:    0.88g/cm³