TOP-rated Pregnancy Pillows - 2019 Choice

When a woman is preparing to become a mother, she has to take care not only of herself, but of the new life that is emerging within her. Sleep - one of the important components of well-being pregnant. In the last few days, you cannot sleep well because of the heavy load on the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. Relieve the situation will help a special accessory.

Pillow for pregnant women - what is it?

A comfortable soft device of an unusual configuration, which is recommended to be used from 4–5 months of pregnancy, was called the pillow for pregnant women. The stomach begins to grow, and it is difficult to take a position in which you can sleep. Because of this, insomnia may begin, and this is harmful for the future mother's body and negatively affects the full development of the fetus.

Previously, pregnancy pillows were not released, but expectant mothers were recommended to cover themselves with ordinary pillows.

Why do we need a special pillow?

Pillows for pregnant women are developing in view of the increasing load on the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system of the future mother. A woman becomes uncomfortable to sit and lie down. To take a comfortable position during rest, it is recommended to put a special pillow on all sides. Thanks to her, the load is distributed evenly, and the woman will feel as comfortable as possible.

Why do we need a special pillow?

Pillow for pregnant women will be needed in the future. With its help, after giving birth, you can choose a comfortable position for feeding. The curved roller will secure the sleeper of the child.

Pillows recommended for pregnant women are different:
  •     options,
  •     configuration
  •     filler.
In addition, it is recommended to consider the manufacturer. Not everyone offers a quality product, safe for health.

The choice of size depends on the height of the woman, the shape - from personal preferences. The filler should be hypoallergenic, medium hardness.

How to choose a pillow for pregnant women

Manufacturers offer accessories for pregnant six configurations. Which of them deserves attention, see in the video:


The U-shaped pillow (also called the Horseshoe) is one of the most popular. The model is available in two sizes: 280x35 (for low women); 340Х35 (recommended for pregnant women with high growth).

This pillow is valued for:
  •     the ability to completely relax;
  •     the ability not to turn it when turning from side to side;
  •     comfortable sleep wrapped in a blanket.

Of the shortcomings of the model, women note the mandatory presence of a large bed. It is recommended to use for sleeping at night.


The C-shaped pillow (the second name is “Bagel”), unlike the previous model, will help night and day, during a short rest. Available in two sizes:    280x35,  340x35

The first is recommended for low women, the second is for expectant mothers, whose height exceeds 160 cm.

The main advantages of the product with this configuration:
  •     the ability to create a cozy nest around the body;
  •     can be used for daytime rest;
  •     provides support for the head, legs, abdomen or back.

Among the shortcomings should be allocated the inability to support the back and abdomen at the same time. Turning over to the other side, it is necessary to change the position of the pillow.


The pillow in the shape of the letter “G” is similar to the C-shaped configuration, but its additional part allows supporting the body from two sides. The size of the product is universal - 350x35. The model has no flaws and like most women.
Banana shaped

Configuration of pillows "Banana" or "Boomerang":
  •     differs in multifunctionality;
  •     keeps head, belly and legs in a comfortable position;
  •     in the sitting position, the pillow can be placed under the back and relieve tension in the lumbar spine;
  •     convenient to travel or nature.

Model sizes differ in length 170 and 190 cm (standard width - 30 cm). The choice depends on the height of the woman.


The model in the form of the letter "G" is presented in two sizes:    170x30,  190x30
Its task is to provide a comfortable position for the head, stomach and legs. The long part can be put under your back while sitting.

I-shaped pillow is a roller with the size of 170x30 or 190x30. It allows you to comfortably sit while sleeping, get comfortable for a daytime rest.
The cushion filler must also be selected in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. To date, recommend two options:
  •      hollofiber,
  •      polystyrene foam.
Both materials:
  •      have high hypoallergenic properties;
  •      prevent the growth of harmful bacteria;
  •      create an average degree of rigidity.
Pillows with polystyrene foam are more expensive, but have a long service life. Since the product can be used after the birth of a child, the last argument should be considered weighty.

How to lie on the pillow for pregnant women

Pose for sleeping on a pillow for pregnant women should be, above all, comfortable for the woman. By selecting it, you can choose the shape of the pillow. According to doctors, it should:

    support the back, allowing you to relax the lumbar spine;
    surround the belly;
    be under the knee, located on top, which reduces the load on the hip joint;
    some models allow you to position your head so that the cervical spine is relaxed.

How to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women the final choice remains for the woman.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using pillows are obvious:
  •     a woman can relax;
  •     reduced load;
  •     the organism of the future mother is resting, which is useful both to her and to the future baby;
  •     it can be used further.

Deficiencies in the use of pillows are not marked. Exceptions are separate models that:
  •     support either the abdomen or the back;
  •     have restriction in use (the big bed is necessary).

Which pillow for pregnant women is better

To choose the best model means to find one that will meet all the requirements, but each has its own pros and cons. The choice should be made on the basis of personal preferences and based on the advice of experts and women who already use such pillows.

Opinion of doctors
Doctors are convinced that it is necessary to use pillows for pregnant women. Women after the fourth month of pregnancy begin to feel pain in the back. Sleeping in an embrace with a pillow will help to get rid of them and create a comfortable sleeping environment. Tips on this issue can be viewed in the video.

Women's opinion

Future mothers do not always immediately get a special pillow for themselves. Each believes that this accessory is optional. But having suffered from back pain, having noticed the first signs of insomnia, they decide to get a pillow for pregnant women.

From this moment they begin a new life:
  •     comfortable sleeping position;
  •     convenient location of the body when the expectant mother takes a day off for a short break;
  •     it is easier to sit with a pillow, having put a soft curved roller under the back.
Full sleep has a positive effect on the health of the future baby, and this is the most important thing for a woman.

Expect the addition of a family - treat yourself to a handy accessory. Sleep will be stronger, the pain will go away, the pregnancy will be pleasant, and the end will be the birth of a healthy baby.