Why I Take a Cold Shower Afterward


Have you noticed that after getting out of the shower you start to shiver and feel cold soon?

The reason for this anomaly - and I say anomalies, because most people have a very warm - nay bath, hot - and therefore think that they should be warm when they jump out of the water.

The reason for this phenomenon is based on the philosophy of hydrotherapy.

Water, in addition to healing (and let us not forget that the body is always healing ourselves and therefore, we only use water to adjust the environment) is used to either lower or raise the body temperature - generally or specifically.

Take a shower for instance - if we have a hot shower we will push more blood from the skin surface in the network. When we came out of the bathroom, there was a bit of blood near the surface - skin shivers and responds by shivering.

However, if after a warm shower, we finish with a brief blast of cold water (accompanied by rigorous scrubbing of the skin all over) we will see that on getting out of the shower us feel warm and tingly all over.

The reason for this is simple - cold water and friction carry blood back to the skin surface and so when we came out of the bathroom, we felt warm and glowing.
