Go Keyless And Move Your Property To Next Gen Security Systems
The conventional lock and key security system is known to all of us, and it’s the straightforward solution to security you can think of. There is however, a growing awareness among businesses regarding the most revolutionary kind of Keyless Entry Austin systems that carry several added security features and a host of other advantages. Some of the options we can think of in these lines include fobs, key cards and Bluetooth enabled locks. If you feel you must provide a fool proof and highly reliable security to your facility, then it is time that you make a shift to implement any one of these systems. Here is an overview of these systems for your information.
Key Fob
As evident in its name, a key fob is primarily a fob. It is a kind of tiny security token that is provided with the in-built authentication system that either allows or denies entry to buildings. Most of us are familiar with using remotes to lock and open doors of vehicles. Key fobs work in the same way, but they have several improvements over the conventional remote operated locks. On account of these enhanced features, key fobs are becoming a dependable security solution for increasing number of businesses.
This is yet another keyless entry system you must know. This lock lets you make use of your own individual keypad code for the purpose of gaining entry to your facility and you just have to make use of some buttons in combination. This system is becoming more popu8alr since it enables a greater control over the people who have access to your facility. The point is that you can allot a temporary keypad code to those who need to gain access to the facility and later delete the code after the use is over.
Bluetooth keyless entry
This is one of the most intelligent kinds of security system that is also the strongest. This is a deadbolt lock that will permit entry in to the facility through any one of the modes like access code, Iphone, Ipad or Ipodtouch. You can say these are the most sophisticated kind of locks available in the market today. You talk to your unlock the door using any one of the Apple devices. These are highly stylish, simple to use and also provide the greatest protection you can think of.
Keyless entry advantages
Traditional key and lock systems make it easy for thieves to gain access to facilities just by acquiring the key by some means. Since keyless systems do not make use of keys, you do not have to worry about this risk. The employees are issued code, fob or card to access the building. Once the employees leave the organization, the codes can be altered for new codes so that the older employees cannot use them once again. In such cases, you will not have to worry about the possible security threats. We deal with the complete range of keyless entry systems. Call us to get a quote for installing the most advanced kind of security system to your premises.
For more information about CCTV Austin and Access Control Austin Please visit : TriStar Security Services.