Step 1: Log in or sign up for a free company account.

Step 2: Click on "Create network"

Step 3: Input logo of the business network and description.

Step 4: You can now post updates to your network members.

NB Only the network administrator can post updates. The updates posted in networks are automatically send on email to the network members.

More about business networks
Create a professional or corporate network today and take charge of your professional field:
1. Create a company branded or professional network
2. Share knowledge, ideas, news etc. with your network
3. Make the network what you dream it to be
4. All business networks are private and require membership in order to read, share and comment on posts.
5. Membership approval from network administrators is required in all business networks.
NB: "FeedsFloor" or infringement of other company names are not allowed to be used in the network name.