Picking Your Betta Fish: 5 Tips For A Healthy Betta

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As you could know, two males really should not be kept together inside same tank since they will fight for territory, resulting in the fish's other common name of "Siamese Fighting Fish."

Bettas are also well-known to become pretty particular with what they choose you can eat. For this reason, a good diet should include food pellets specific to betta fish. As stated earlier, bettas needs to be fed a wide variety of foods; foods acceptable on the betta's menu include betta pellets/flakes, frozen foods, and freeze dried brine shrimp and bloodworms. While not necessary, live foods can also be always welcome in a betta's diet.

While Bettas are bought from small plastic cups, they really ought to be kept in an aquarium tank of around 5 to 10 gallons in size. These fish can certainly become shy and reclusive in larger aquariums in excess of fifteen gallons. They are very slow-moving fish which don't swim around a whole lot, and that's why they don't need a lot of space. A tank larger than the minimum, however, will provide more stable water conditions that are more unlikely to be affected by the fish, and as a result will make for better living conditions to your Betta. "Betta Bowls" in many cases are available for sale, and make good homes for Betta fish, but a standard glass aquarium may better offer an opportunity to make use of a small filter and heater, which we will get into later. A gravel substrate and a few plastic plants or aquarium-safe ornaments are appreciated. There's always a wide variety of different artificial caves and different decorations for sale in pet shops; be sure, however, that everything placed in the aquarium is not going to affect water conditions. Certain forms of rocks within nature are certainly not aquarium safe, nor are sea shells. Anything placed inside the buy betta fish online tank needs to be specifically created for aquarium use.

5. Avoid putting your fish bowl in sunlight or near the vents in the room that could change the water temperature higher or lower. Putting them in direct sunlight can anxiety the Bettas.

Water conditions are another critical factor for the Betta's health. As mentioned, a temperature close to 75 degrees Fahrenheit is usually recommended, as well as a pH value between 6.5 and 7.5. Check your tap water's pH value to learn exactly what you're putting in your aquarium, and adjust as necessary. All local pet shops will sell test kits for pH, too as additives to regulate the pH if any adjustments are expected. A product including "proper pH 7.0" can be added to water and will safely adjust and hold a pH of 7.0 (also called a "neutral" pH) for you devoid of the danger of adjusting way too high or too low. If you make adjustments to the water containing your fish, do it gradually as it can certainly cause stress. You will also need to make use of a chlorine neutralizer to remove the chlorine dangers commonly found in tap water.