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Creating a Mindset of Positivity

I continue to be amazed at top-level leaders who are living the script someone else wrote for them 7 Day Prayer Miracle Review  rather than writing and living their own. Often there was an influential parent, friend or mentor that believed in them, and perhaps with the best of intentions, offered them counsel or advice that had a long-lasting impact on their life. Rather than being inner or self-directed they allow external forces or people shape their life. It's like someone else's vision blocks or totally negates their own.

When we measure our success by activity we will miss the mark. Anyone can fill a calendar - we do that almost without thinking with the constant demands each day presents to us. The real measure of progress is achievement in the form of measurable results. Busy-ness does not equate to good sound business. With the constant interruptions, non-stop electronic devices, and unending email it takes intentional effort to filter the noise out there and hear the voice within. Effective leaders and people prioritize what, how and with whom they will spend their time.

There's no prize for traveling solo, lack of clarity only leads to confusion, following other people's dreams leaves you empty, and the voice that matters is your own or the higher voice inside your heart. So, decide to 'find the shine within' rather than following all the glaring lights 'out there'. When you have an inner compass, it will always lead you home to the best version of you that naturally elicits your most brilliant self.

Jennifer Whitaker is a Business Strategist and Executive Coach with a lifelong passion for helping people to discover their unique brilliance and reach their highest potential. With over 25 years of experience in a blend of counseling, management and ownership positions, Jennifer understands first-hand the unique dynamics of high-performing cultures. Using this foundation of experience, she empowers and supports her clients in discovering their unique inner brilliance that yields outstanding results in life and work.
