Maximize your Animated Explainer Videos ROI

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Explainer videos are a feather in the cap of your marketing plans, but if you wish to fetch the most out of it for your business, it’s important you strategically utilize them to the best of its full potential. Just creating a great looking animated explainer video and posting it online is not enough. Your audience should be able to find it easily, play it easily and know what should be their next step after watching it. 

How do you maximize the ROI from explainer videos? Here’s how:

Place the Video well

In this tech-friendly day and age, people prefer to click on a “play” button rather than reading a long boring text. But if a video is hiding somewhere, then it’s very difficult for the viewer to go searching for it. So, if you want your important animated explainer video place them in a place they where they can be easily viewed. You can use captivating thumbnails, and ensure that they can be played with a single click on all devices. The more buried a video is on a website, the less chances of people watching it. So you have to strategically plan the placing of your animated explainer video

Channelize your Marketing Funnel

Though explainer videos are great in explaining and quickly communicating the key offerings of a company. They are different and are extremely fun to watch, but they are not the only marketing tools available in the market. No matter how engaging your video is, if people don’t watch it the amount you’ve invested might to a total waste. Only when explainer videos are part of the larger marketing funnel, only then they work and are most effective. 

Your strategy has to outline how your video will fetch traffic and what action should the viewers take after they watch the it. For marketing that’s inbound the SEO strategy might be included to bring in viewers to a landing page. That’s how an your video will pitch your concept and encourage the viewers to take the desired action.

Graphs Talk

An easy way to measure the effectiveness of your efforts gone into the creation of an animated explainer video is check the number of plays compared to your total site traffic. This will tell you if your video can be easily found or not and if the thumbnail is effective. Also, engagement graphs depict if the video is too long and are viewers dropping out at any given point. 

Similarly, demographics data tell you if your explainer video is effective out your local community. At the very least, we suggest that you use a hosting platform like Wistia, so you can use some of these measuring stats. 

This post is just only scratching the surface on a few tips you can optimize the usage of your animated explainer video for maximum ROI. You can drop in your suggestions on how to develop your marketing strategies.