Intermittent Claudication Market Scope and Opportunities Analysis 2014 – 2020


Claudication is originated from latin word claudicare which means to limp. Claudication refers to pain or cramping in lower leg muscles classically calf muscles due to inadequate blood supply. This condition typically occurs during walking, exercise but subsides after a short period of time. This condition is also termed as intermittent claudication as the pain if felt during the exertion subsidizes with the rest. However, under severe condition the pain is also felt under resting position. Claudication is usually diagnosed in people suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Peripheral arterial disease is usually caused due to artherosclerosis that results from hardening of arteries due to deposition of cholesterol in the inner lining of the arteries. Blockage of these arteries due to plaque deposition causes low blood flow supply to the muscles in the legs ultimately resulting in decreased blood flow and decreased oxygen supply. Hence, due to inadequate oxygen supply the muscles of leg ache and burn resulting in cramping in the legs.

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Pain is the most common symptom witnessed in people suffering from intermittent claudication which can be sharp, throbbing, sharp or burning. The severity of claudication symptom depends upon the severity of peripheral arterial diseases, the activity of muscle and location of the plaque. Changing lifestyle, smoking, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol levels are some of the major factors which have been observed to be the major reasons for intermittent claudication. Claudication is most prominently observed in smokers as nicotine has constricting effect on the arteries which leads to artherosclerosis. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians incidences of claudication increases with age and affects approximately 18% of the population over 70 years of age. Additionally, claudication is more commonly witnessed in men than in women and only 1% to 2% of the population under the age of 60 years is affected with this phenomenon.

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Claudication can be treated by two methods namely medication therapies and surgery which is commonly known as revascularization. Among these two therapies medication is a preferred mode of treatment due to non invasive nature. Cilostazol (Pletal) and Pentoxifyline are the most common drugs prescribed for reduction of pain due to intermittent claudication. These drugs improve the oxygen supply and blood flow of the muscles. Apart from these drugs there are several drugs that are under clinical trials and are not yet approved. Some of the medications for intermittent claudication under pipeline are prostaglandins, defibrotide, propionyl-L-carnitine, roxithromycin and ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors.

The growth of intermittent claudication market is directly proportional to rising incidences of peripheral arterial diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximately 8 million of the Americans suffer from PAD which includes 12% - 20% of individuals older than 60 years of age. Additionally, aging population is also considered as one of the key factor propelling the growth of this market. According to the WHO global population aged over 60 years would double from 11% (2000) to 22% (2050). People above the age of 60 years are more prone to diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure and obesity which would consequently give rise to development of PAD.

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Geographically, North America accounts for the largest share of the intermittent claudication market followed by the European region. The dominance of these regions in this market is seen due to the presence of large population base suffering from PADs and high awareness among the patient population. Asia-Pacific region is expected to show healthy growth in near future due to rise in elderly population, rising prevalence of PAD and economic developments.

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