Exercise is Important to Prevent Heart Disease


Prominent entrepreneur in healthcare Edward Sobczewski says that exercise is important way to prevent heart problems.

Heart disease is one of the largest contributors of death in the world. Every day thousands of people die in all parts of the world due to cardiovascular diseases. In most of the cases, the disease is entirely preventable. It causes injury to the body due to poor health practices followed. These are issues like smoking and consuming too much alcohol and overeating or bad choice of meals. Edward Sobczewski explains that exercise can help in mitigating the effects to the heart. Having heart problems can lead to many health issues, these could end up being a daily part of your life. It could impact your productivity and cause you to spend a lot of money on doctor visits and health insurance. Therefore, for these reasons it is better to prevent heart disease.

Doctors recommend a daily dose of physical exercise to those above a certain age. In fact, this could apply to most adults. Moderate exercise is sufficient in order to tackle this disease. A typical daily recommendation is 30 minutes of brisk walking. Running, cycling and swimming also come in the category of aerobic exercise which are useful exercises to do in talking heart disease.

So what does exercise do that it is considered to be so important in combatting heart issues. It does several things actually.

Firstly, it lowers your blood pressure. High blood pressure can seriously damage your heart. Exercise helps to lower the pressure. If you have too much pressure you can afflicted with continuous blood pressure problems. This might mean that you will have to continuously take medicine.

Secondly, it increases the amount of good cholesterol that is produced in your body. Good cholesterol is important in taking bad fat to your liver for processing. This is in contrast to bad cholesterol which exercise will help in reducing.

Thirdly, exercise helps in preventing blood clots that can sometimes lead to heart attack and strokes. These outcomes due to heat problems can lead to fatalities, and you can end up losing your lfe.

Edward Sobczewski explains that due to the above reasons, exercise is actually an indispensable part of our daily life. However, many people do no exercise or only do too little to count. They should understand that this approach is really not going to be good for them in life. Heart disease is a serious killer and once a person starts to get affected with one of its issues like blood pressure or cholesterol than it will become very hard to let go of the disease. This means that you will have to spend a lifetime on medicine and doctor visits. This is not really a good situation to be in for any one. This is the reason why Edward Sobczewski explains that he goes about encouraging everyone to do exercises. It costs nothing and change your life for the better.