How to know today's Best lucky number on satta matka | Numerology

satta matka lucky number

Satta matka is a game where probabilities play a major role in deciding that winning number which will win lots and lots of money! But, Game can be mastered when a player has a ‘lucky number’ which will give him an edge over other players. 

A player has to make use of various tips of Matka game to make significant use of the “Power, Luck, and Charm” of ‘Guessing number’. It is very important to pick the right number or in some cases numbers while playing Satta Matka. Most of the people know this fact; but either ignores it, or commit common mistakes while deciding their “Lucky Number” to play Satta Matka game are mentioned below - 

Using Birth Dates as Lottery Numbers

While playing Satta king, Kalyan Matka, or Satta, most of the people use their birth dates, anniversary dates, any auspicious numbers, festival dates, or any other important dates when special things happened to them in their life, as their ‘lucky number’. A player shouldn’t choose a number or date which he thinks would be lucky or will work wonders! Players should always choose numbers from their lucky dates from 0 to 31 only as Satta game has numbers till 46 only! If a person choose any other number beyond 31, then he unknowingly misses on a whole set of numbers which can form a part of the winning combination. 

Avoid Typical Sequence of Numbers

Players while choosing the lottery numbers, pick numbers which follow a particular sequence. Say for an example, a person may pick numbers which are multiples of 2. So the lottery ticket will have the numbers like 2, 4, 8, 16, and it goes on up to 46.This strategy also makes your ticket number combination very common. So, one should avoid typical sequence of numbers as common numbers have very less chances of winning.

Avoid using Repeat Winning Numbers

Most people decide their ‘lucky number’ by picking those numbers who were recently winners. Players should avoid picking such numbers as they have very less chances to become a winner again in very less time. Try picking those numbers who weren’t winners in the recent past as these numbers will have more chances of winning.

Give your luck a chance to prove itself

Satta king is a game of chance. The winning numbers are selected on a random basis and therefore, numbers picked by you randomly may have far superior chances of winning than a number which is carefully selected. Hence, give your luck factor a chance to spread his magic and play Kalyan Matka with an open heart!

Think Different to be Different

People do very silly mistakes in selecting ‘lucky number’ for Satta Matka. The reason behind is that they follow a similar thinking pattern i.e. they select numbers selected by most of the people. These number choices make their number more common and such numbers are less likely to succeed in Satta Matka. More the number will be uncommon; more will be the chances of its winning!

Understand the Psychology behind Lucky Number

If you follow a common way of choosing the numbers, then your set of selected numbers will face maximum competition. But, the truth is that a ‘lucky number’ as the name suggests is that number which will make you a “winner”. The point is that it’s not necessary at all that any of these common numbers might be actually lucky for you! Instead, it would be better if you would select a number that has been lucky for you or you can contact Panditji on website as his calculations are based on scientific calculations and astrological predictions and give assured results

So, Satta players get your ‘lucky number’ right and increase your chances to winning the game of Satta and be a Sattaking!