What is IVF and how it works?

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IVF or in vitro fertilization is the new age process of getting pregnant. This method is used by couples who are unable to conceive due to any physiological problem in either of them. Another reason for in vitro fertilization is the growing stress of work and the need to achieve success before starting a family. Many men and women choose to do this method also because they want to be successful and at the top of their careers before they settle down to have a family. Sometimes while running in this rat race of success, they forget that the body works at its own time, and this is true for having children also. 

What is IVF? 

Invitro fertilization is a type of reproductive technology that is assisted by science. The IVF procedure cost is high because of the technology involved. It involves combining surgical procedures as well as medicines to help the egg to become fertilized and also it is artificially planted in the uterus. IVF is a complicated process and requires months of continued effort since it does not achieve success in the first time in many cases. 

In this process, the doctor advises a lot of medications to the women to mature the eggs and make them ready for the process of fertilization. These are then taken out of the body and fertilized artificially in the lab. The fertilized eggs are then replanted into the uterus. No pregnancy takes place only when one or more of the embryos get implanted in the uterus lining. IVF works for many people and sometimes not also because everybody is body react differently to it. 

How does the IVF process work?

IVF is a planned process. Doctors give medications to improve the fertility for many months till the ovaries are completely measured and can be fertilized. Once this stage has been reached, they are surgically taken out through a process called egg retrieval. It is a minor procedure and can be cured performed at any fertility clinic are the doctors’ office. The maturity of the eggs is determined with the help of blood tests and ultrasounds which keep track of the egg production. The IVF treatment cost is high because of the complicacy of the procedure involved. 

A specific machine is used for extracting the eggs. Once the body is relaxed, the doctor uses a hollow tube that is inserted through the vagina into the ovary for holding the eggs. Then, a needle is connected through a suction device, and each of the eggs is pulled out of the follicle gently. Once the eggs are extracted, they are mixed with the sperm cells of a male or the husband for the eggs to be fertilized. This process is called insemination. 

The eggs are kept in a particular container for the process of fertilization to take place. Some sperms that do not swim quite well are injected directly inside the eggs for fertilization to take place faster. The employees are formed about three to five days following the egg retrieval. These are then placed back into the uterus. This process is known as the embryo transfer. With the help of a thin tube, the embryo is inserted directly into the uterus. You will be pregnant when one of the embryos gets attached to the uterus’s lining. The process of embryo transfer is not painful.