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Everyone out there wants to know the best way The 2 Week Diet Review to burn fat. Don't fall into the myth of a long boring cardio session is the only way to lose weight. There are many different things you can do to help burn those extra pounds.Nutrition is one extremely important part of your weight loss. Skip the fatty foods and the sugary items. They will only hurt your progress. We all know that your total calorie intake plays a big part in your weight loss, but the kind of calories you take in are just as important.Exercise is the second extremely important piece of the weight loss puzzle. When you think burn fat, you probably think long boring runs on the treadmill. You don't have to get caught up in that hour stare down with the wall.

This must be done first thing when you wake up or the effect won't be as great. We are wanting to increase your metabolism for the rest of the day to help lose unwanted pounds quick. Raising your metabolism while you sleep may cause a problem for your sleep cycle. Sleep and health are very closely related.First thing in the morning when you wake up, you should have a protein shake or a handful of almonds. This protein intake is much needed before a workout especially in the morning. Your body has used most of it's fuel over night. Even just a handful of almonds gives you what you need for the upcoming workout.

Then you should drink a cup or two of green tea. Green tea is great for antioxidants and increasing metabolism throughout the day. You will then want to take a short and brisk walk for 15-20 minutes. Keep at a steady pace to a point where you could hold a conversation with someone. This will get your body jump started for burning fat. Do this every morning and you will transform your body to what you want it to be. This technique has been proven to burn fat faster for those having trouble shedding the pounds. This activity takes very little energy and time. You can workout later in the day with a resistance routine or a more strenuous cardio session to burn even more fat.

Have you been dieting all your life? Have you gained and lost weight over and over again? If so, you are a yo-yo dieter. Yo-yo dieting or "cycling" is defined as a significant increase or decrease of body weight (generally 10 pounds or more) that occurs multiples times. We've all seen it go on with celebrities. Kirstie Alley has gained and lost multiple times; Oprah has done it; Maureen "Marcia Brady" McCormick got even heavier after she was on "Celebrity Fit Club." It is an epidemic.