How To Find The Right Psychologist For Psychological Assessment?


Do you find sudden change in the behavior of your close relative recently or Are you the parent of a teenager who has some behavioral issues? If yes, you can consider approaching a psychology clinic, where your child gets the right attention and wellness service to cope up with the challenging situation. A psychology assessment will be given to an adult or a child by a skilled professional, usually, a psychologist, to use the techniques and tools of psychology to learn either general or specific facts about the other person and how they going to conduct themselves.

Psychological Assessment should never be performed without a proper check on an individual. A part of a thorough assessment of an individual or medical examination is required to conduct assessments properly. 

The American Psychoanalytic Association describes Psychoanalysis as the method to understand the full life of the person. Adolescent and child psychoanalysis is an offshoot of adult psychoanalysis that shares a common theoretical structure. It also includes using techniques and formats useful in providing professional help to an individual.

Psychologists first gather information from the assessment and prepare it into a complete and compact report of the person who is being tested. Recommendations are based on all the assessments with peers, family and others who know more about an individual. For example, teachers' and parent's information plays a critical role in assessment where they can provide a lot of information to the psychologist before starting treatment. Major discrepancies among the findings must be resolved before any important decision to be made. 

Psychologists will apply scientifically approved procedures and tests to help people change the way they think and their emotions. It is indeed a collaborative effort between an individual and a psychologist to provide a supportive environment to talk openly and confidently. It is important that for such procedures, you must meet a licensed and qualified psychologist who can make a big difference to your child’s behavior or a person who needs therapy.

Psychologist and clients work together and make therapy success to an extent. It is important to choose a psychologist with whom you are comfortable and can establish a great rapport.

 Here are a few important tips to choose a psychologist for the treatment.

  1. Experience- It is important to as the experience of the person or reputation of the clinic from where you want to seek treatment. Check the area of expertise of the psychologist whether they can work with children and adults.
  2. Fees- It is important to discuss their fees before treatment. A clinic must charge reasonable fees or you can get referred by your doctor, where you can seek a discount.
  3. Certification – A reputed clinic must have a certification that is required to run a proper clinic and provide good quality treatment for patients. Psychological Assessments in Singapore provide Child development and wellness services seeking to provide holistic therapeutic intervention and assessment for children, adolescents, young adults and their families who have proper certification.

These important factors and make the right decision for your loved ones!