Eat Healthy and Delicious Food Products to Avoid Dehydration


Tomatoes are very important to have in our daily diet as it's a super food packed with nutrients. It contains a large number of beneficial antioxidants and nutrients such as lycopene, folic acid, lutien, beatcarotene, alphalipoic acid, and choline. They are have a rich supply of Miracle Moringa Review  vitamin C and A, potassium, calcium, and folic acid. The presence of these nutrients helps in controlling blood sugar and preventing vasodilation and retinopathy. They also help to preserve nerve and brain tissue. The presence of choline helps with learning and memory, better sleep, and muscle movement. Adequate and sufficient consumption of tomatoes helps to decrease risk of cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, improves heart health. It is good for the skin and for constipation. It is extremely helpful during pregnancy and depression.

Uses of Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be grown anywhere in the world and have become an important part of most cuisines in the world. They are easy to preserve since they are acidic. They are also dried in the sun and sold as sundried tomatoes in jars with oil or in bags. They are available as whole canned, paste, puree, and ketchup. They are extremely popular in salsas or as pickles. They can be eaten fresh or fire roasted, pickled, or fried. They are used as beauty aids to soften skin and soothe sunburn because of the acid in them.

I love using that which others throw away. I am not sure if it is the frugal in me, or just the desire to help the planet survive mankind. Either way, it is fun learning about all of the food sources that surround us but which we ignore. I learned some of this researching for a novel about the War of 1812 I wanted a character who could cook the men good food with some of the local flora and the idea of forest gastronomy. So in that spirit, here are some more weeds that might well be growing in your yard or garden unless you are an obsessive weeder, as I am, which can be eaten and are good for you.