Award-Winning Women’s Yoga Franchise Celebrates 10th Anniversary on International Women’s Day

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                                                            PRESS RELEASE


Award-Winning Women’s Yoga Franchise Celebrates 10th Anniversary on International Women’s Day

Originating in the UK, global women’s yoga franchise, YogaBellies, is celebrating 10 years in business this March. The company is celebrating the milestone under the theme, “A Decade of Peace Love and YogaBellies.

YogaBellies was founded in 2008 by Cheryl MacDonald. She started teaching pregnancy yoga in her spare bedroom when her son was born. At the time, MacDonald was fuelled to start a yoga business for two reasons. She was made redundant from her job as a business analyst during her maternity leave and she wanted to help women have fun practicing yoga without it seeming too mystical and unattainable. The redundancy provided the push she needed to establish her own business and pursue her passion.

Fast forward 10 years later and YogaBellies is the archetype of success, even after declining a £50,000 offer from Dragon’s Den. The company has expanded from the four corners of MacDonald’s spare bedroom into and international franchise of more than 100 yoga teachers across worldwide and continues to grow.

 “Our 10th anniversary is a terrific milestone of which I am extremely proud,” said MacDonald. “YogaBellies has evolved greatly since we first started and we are encouraged by the rapid growth and success. We look forward to several more decades of empowering women through yoga.”

5 years ago, YogaBellies also launched International Birth ROCKS Day in correspondence with International Women’s Day. Birth ROCKS day specifically honours pregnant and birthing women, showing support and solidarity for mothers. YogaBellies believe that every mother and each birth are unique and that when it comes to finding comfort in birth, one size does not fit all. Each year on Birth ROCKS Day, you can download Cheryl’s best-selling Birth ROCKS book, free of charge on Amazon. 


Over the past decade, the YogaBellies has been recognized for its outstanding achievements. They are the recipients’ of the Scottish Edge Award, Working Mum’s Best Employer award, What’s On for Little Ones and What’s On for Juniors awards.

But it’s not just about teaching Yoga.  Frustrated by the poor quality, unattractive yoga products, in 2016 Cheryl expanded YogaBellies’ offerings to include ethically produced, luxury yoga products such as yoga mats, towels and clothing. The yoga mats are extremely popular and is one of the best- selling mats in its category on Amazon.

For further information about YogaBellies, visit:


Media Contact:  Cheryl MacDonald
