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SBR Introduction

Therefore headed out its national to provide treatment plants for sewage output of tourist villages and population centers, hotels and reuse this water in irrigation and cultivation of green spaces in the tourist villages and population centers -units in Average sizes of these units easily transported from one place to another -Your Issued any smell of it exist in populated areas - The Units used in the treatment of wastewater and reuse in agriculture


The world is in need of a water droplet critically importance owing to their countries from a shortage of water resources, forcing officials to resort to the use of sewage output of hotels and tourist villages Irrigation places agricultural inside the tourist village water, which led to the issuance of odors undesirable in green places which lead to an aversion for residents and visitors of tourist villages and communities populated and hotels. Therefore headed out its national to provide treatment plants for sewage output of tourist villages and population centers, hotels and reuse this water in irrigation and cultivation of green spaces in the tourist villages and population centers -units in Average sizes of these units easily transported from one place to another -Your Issued any smell of it exist in populated areas - The Units used in the treatment of wastewater and reuse in agriculture MBR module systems replace the Clarifier, Sand filter and Disinfection processes used in Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) process by removing the suspended materials with Ultra-Filtration membrane. The membranes modules are submerged in a biological tank or side streams tank, with the water being drawn through the membranes under vacuum, leaving the suspended biomass material in the biological aeration tank. The MBR systems have a smaller footprint than CAS systems, produce consistent effluent quality even in varying influent conditions, and provide effective treatment for high BOD levels in wastewater.

G-WEASTE Industrial waste treatment systems G-WASTE

Industries in the world has advanced significantly and this development after the negative effects on the environment that we live in and appeared in industrial wastewater as it contains dangerous materials are difficult to get rid of them. ALWATANIA Company to exert almost efforts to keep pace with the industrial development of the incident and work to protect the environment with less effort and costs and provided a solution to all the problems of industrial waste in different types and specifications. Our company ALWATANIA produced G-WASTE system that provided a essential solution to all industrial waste problems and this system previous work in the following industries: Cosmetic industry - Chemical industry Inks industry - The manufacture of paints Paper Industry -Textile industry