Three Steps to Hassle-Free Business Office Remodeling | HK Construction Poway CA


28, February 2017: HK Construction, Inc., a leading Poway, CA family owned and operated construction company, has issued a three-step proactive plan, designed to help business owners effectively sidestep the headaches that could arise from the remodeling and/or expansion office business project without the proper steps being taken.

The company's spokesperson and enterprising business owner, Marc Gieselmann making the announcement said the three most important steps need to be taken in the remodeling or expansion of one's business office include identifying and setting goals, hiring the best contractors, and setting a timeline for its completion.

"Whether you're a business owner looking to increase sales and productivity, or a property manager wanting to rent a vacancy quicker for a higher rent, business office remodeling makes good sense," said Gieselmann, who first opened the family business, HK Construction, Inc, back in 1990.

Belaboring the point that "remodeling your office space to make it more customer friendly and attractive is a good investment in your business", Gieselmann further noted that it makes good business sense.

"Whether a customer enters your office for the first time, if it is cramped, cluttered and dated, they will take their business elsewhere, and you'll never get a second chance to make a first impression," explained the spokesperson, who recently released an article, published on its website giving full detail of the three-step business office remodeling guidelines.

Smart planning in the early stages increases your chances for a successful office renovation. Proactive planning can be very helpful in sidestepping the headaches that might otherwise plague a remodeling and/or expansion project.

By following these three steps, the HK Construction specialist said it will provide a road map that will render the renovation process flow smoothly.

Step 1: Identify Goals: Setting specific and solid project goals, help answer certain important questions and address areas of concern upfront.

Step 2: Hire the Best Contractors: By having the right project team for the job, this provides for the most crucial elements in a seamless office remodeling renovation.

Step 3: Timeline for Completion: The development of a schedule provides the basis for proper evaluation all issues that drive the timing of a specific project. According to Gieselmann, this is key to addressing resolving an issue that may arise to become obstacles that could compromise the remodel process and budget.

Learn more about business office remodeling and renovation in the free article posted here:

About HK Construction:

HK Construction is your best choice for San Diego office remodeling. We work together with you and bring only the best, most skilled contractors to your project for creating the right type of space you need for your office space. All work is done to code, in a timely manner, with minimal intrusion and at very reasonable rates. Call us today for a free office renovation consultation and on site price quote.

For Media Contact:
Name: Marc Gieselmann
Phone: 858-748-6580