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Will Make Getting a Yeast Infection Something of the Past

While there are many things that can cause you Pandemic Survival Review to experience a yeast infection, one thing in particular can cause you to have serious and repetitive infections. This is a overgrowth of candida, or harmful yeast in your body.

One of the best natural treatments out there is actually tea tree oil. In the past this natural remedy has been known to help fight off infection, but in the past few years serious scientific studies have proven the oil's powerful antibacterial properties. While you should never use the oil in it's full strength form, adding a small amount of it to a warm bath and soaking in it to help relieve many of the irritating symptoms. I just would not recommend using it in a douche form. It can easily irritate a already sensitive area and make the problem worse, not better.

The use of good bacteria known as probiotics is another effective treatment option. While you are more then likely familiar with the information that yogurt contains live, active cultures of this bacteria, there are other, more concentrated forms that can be used, most commonly in pill form. Plain yogurt has been used as well as a topical treatment as well as an insertion to help with the itching and burning the infection produces.

