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What Causes Candidiasis?

But how does a peace-loving fungus get so wound Fresh Flora Review up that it wants to attack us? After all, we live with them and a whole gang of bacteria day-in and day-out with no problems. Is it really that sensitive?

To understand this let's look at your own life. What gets you mad, hey, what gets you feeling even a little annoyed?Now if you were a fungus living in an environment and that environment changed you'd get a bit grumpy too. But unlike humans, when the environment changes in a negative way for us, it actually encourages the yeast to grow. When you have a zillion different micro-organisms living in one neighbourhood and one decides to thrive, well, the delicate balance is upset and all sorts of battles begin to break out.

For example; if  you wore tight clothing that didn't allow your skin to breathe, took hormones - like the Pill or cortisone - or didn't wash and dry your skin properly you'd affect the environment that the fungus lives in. You'd actually make it easier for the Candidia to breed.

Put yourself in the yeasts position... if you were given the opportunity to multiply or expand your empire, you'd jump at the chance wouldn't you?Now if your immunity was also compromised from doing things like having a poor diet, putting yourself under constant stress, using harmful recreational drugs and taking antibiotics that will kill off the competition  then your immunity wouldn't have the strength to fight the invading candida army. Easy pickin's for the fungi!

