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Several Handy Tips on How to Cure a Yeast Infection

Yeast and yeast type infections can affect both The Menopause Myth Review men and women, but women can spot the symptoms early on as they are more prominent.

Primarily, wet and moist clothing as well as those that fit too tightly are ideal for yeast to dig roots. Hidden areas of the body where there is very little air passing through can be fertile grounds for this type of infection.

If you want to know how to cure yeast problems, you have to change over to lose fitting clothes and wear dry clothes every time. Those who remain in their swimming trunks are prone to get infected as wet clothes can create favorable conditions for Candida to flourish. So if your prone to get an infection, change quickly to dry clothes.

Vaginal infection in women can be cured with garlic known for its many curative properties. You can swallow a few garlic pods every day and apply crushed garlic on the yeast affected spots. There could be red rashes, scabs or lesions, but garlic can work wonders. It is not for all women but, many will benefit from this type of treatment.


