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The Secrets of How to Detoxify Your Body

2010 could be the year to become your fittest,Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Strategy Review  healthiest self. Cleansing your body of bad toxins is helpful at the beginning of the new year and then again in the fall. Making a date for a detox twice a year will help banish those dimples off your thighs, refresh your skin so you look better and release energy that encourages you to exercise and lead a healthier lifestyle. The question is what is a safe and cheap way to detoxify your body? As a Detox Coach I have clients who lost weight and changed their lifestyle for ever.

A body cleanse starts with actions from outside to inside. One of the most effective ways of beating cellulite and improving how the skin gets rid of toxins is - body brushing. Not only does it help eliminate toxins by improving circulation, it helps the skin to glow and makes you feel like you've come back from a brisk walk. 

The choice of brush is important, too hard scratches the skin and too soft doesn't work so look for brush that feels stiff but doesn't scratch the back of your hand. You are brushing away dead skin cells that will you're your skin glow. Sometimes I prefer to use exfoliating gloves which gives a different feel. Starting to body brush before a bath or shower will start to stimulate the skin to work better especially when you start to eliminate toxins. How do you body brush? Start at your feet and work upwards along the legs, thighs and backside. Move up to the shoulders and work away from the heart down to the hands and fingers. 


