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Proven Ways to Burn Fat and Keep It Off

Aerobic exercise is proven to burn caloriesFat Loss Miracle Review faster than weight lifting or other strength training exercises. Going for a 30 minute run in the morning, or even just a brisk walk in the afternoon can help boost your metabolism and make your body burn more calories through out the day. Of course, the rate of fats that you burn also depends on the intensity of your aerobic exercise. You need to do at least 30 minutes three times a week or more, and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise every week.

Another way for you to burn more calories is not to limit the food you eat, but the type of foods. It's a well-known fact that almost every processed food product we buy from the super market with it's trans fats, sugars and other man-made additives and chemicals is causing us addiction and craving problems. The more processed foods you can eliminate the better chance you'll have at getting thinner.

So, you can eat just as much, or more, as long as it's real food with quality nutrients and eat these in smaller meals several times during the day as opposed to one or two really large meals.


