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Finding a Natural Remedy For Yeast Infections

Diet: Proper diet is the best defense against  Fresh Flora Review  yeast infections and for good overall health. For specific remedy against yeast, certain foods are known to be effective. These include yogurt, garlic, cranberries, tomatoes, blueberries, herbs like thyme and rosemary, and honey. Eating these daily will help clear up an infection and prevent them in the future.

No natural remedy for yeast infection can be considered complete without addressing clothing. Loose-fitting, cotton clothing is a must when treating a yeast infection. Tight, synthetic fabric creates the perfect growth environment for yeast: dark, damp and warm.

Other Topical Treatments: Garlic and yogurt can be applied directly to the infected area as well being eaten. Douches made of vinegar solutions are very effective at treating infection and keeping it from coming back. Less commonly known treatments can also be effective, like tea tree oil and slippery elm powder. Both of these herbal treatments are applied directly to the infection and are safe and effective.

A natural remedy for yeast infection not only offers immediate relief of symptoms but can also help prevent future infections. By simple changes in diet and dress, yeast infections can be a thing of the past. These are just some methods you can use, but there are many more natural remedies that work equally as well.



