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Dreams Live On The Other Side Of Intention

Dreams are a gift to us from divine intention; it's  10 Minute Awakening Review a glimpse into the possibilities and those dreams that display the amazing things that can happen through us are blessings. What we do when we see those dreams determines whether, or not we will live them. Our dreams are accessible to us through the use of faith and faith is the only language that the universe understands.

How many times have you said okay I know what I want and I'm ready to be blessed; now God if you just meet me where I am I will jump? Only to be left standing uttering the same words month after month and year after year. You see our dreams are not being held from us because we are un-deserving or deserve punishment. No, not at all! Our dreams are being held from us because we won't reach out and grab them. Instead we complain and say I can't jump because I have this problem or I don't have what it takes; yet our dreams don't live in the physical world with physical constraints, they live in the spirit world, which only understands faith. We must operate by faith to have them.

If this is you and you have been held back by limited thinking and you want to live your dreams, STOP and decide right now I will not continue to argue for my limitations; instead I will step into the land of intentions; the place where my dreams live. I will seek help if I need to, in order to align my mind with the universe, so that I may be free from all the limits that have me bound and keep me from living my dreams. I will work on my faith! I will work on my confidence! I will learn the language that brings my dreams into reality! I will do whatever I need to do to grab hold of the abundant life that God laid out for me to have.

