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Aging Skin Problems on Our Hands

Our hands tend to age faster due to the extra Age Defying Energy Review usage we put them through compared to other skin surfaces on our body. Our hands are constantly exposed to the summer's sun, the winter's cold, our household detergents and all the other environmental elements that are out there. Our fast aging hands are a distraction in appearance compared to other skin on our body. Fortunately, it is now possible to rejuvenate the hands; restoring their appearance and sometimes also improving the thickness and health of the skin on the backs of the hands.

Hands, especially the back side, are frequently overlooked when it comes to caring for them. They don't receive the needed sunscreen protection they require. And, when they are addressed for sun protection, they are usually washed off prematurely due to daily hygiene habits. Wearing certain types of gloves help with the protection they need. Gardening gloves, bike gloves, golf gloves and work gloves are all helpful and protect your hands. This added protection will certainly help avoid aging skin problems

Use moisturizer on a daily basis to keep your skin supple and moist. This will prevent dryness and cracking. Wear warm gloves in the winter to avoid chapping and cracking. For some people, dry cracked hands are a chronic condition called contact dermatitis, or hand eczema. Often caused by your daily routine, one which involves constantly having wet hands (i.e. hairdresser, surgeon, homemaker), this condition results in red, scaly, and very itchy hands. Creams with vitamins A, C, E and alpha hydroxyl acids are key ingredients which can help prevent and restore your youthful looking hands.

