Visage Laser Clinic
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Skin Treatment

- Chemical Peeling :  What is it?

Chemical peeling involves the application of a chemical agent to the skin in order to strip away the outer layer, revealing brighter, healthier, new skin beneath. Treating your face, neck or hands, chemical peels are perfect for evening out skin tone, smoothing deep wrinkles and fine lines, improving the appearance of acne and scarring, as well as reducing age spots and freckles and other pigmentation discolouration. We offer a variety of different peels. One of our professional skin specialists will advise you on which is the most appropriate for your skin type and needs.

-Visage intermediate Peeling: A revolutionary cosmedical-grade peel that targets the visible signs of ageing and sun damage by encouraging healthy new cell production. The result is a revitalised, smoother and more radiant complexion, it can also wipe off active acne lesions and improves appearance of every part of the body.

- Visage Superficial Peeling: This unique peel is suitable for all skin types and can be intensified by layering with other peels or customised with Vitamin C. It helps to renew, brighten and smooth the skin.

- Visage Deep Peeling: A cosmedical-grade intensive skin peeling system designed to accelerate skin regeneration and resurfacing of the skin for maximum results. Redness, inflammation and mild to moderate peeling is usual for a few days after treatment. Proper skincare is essential in order to speed healing and to ensure long-lasting results.

- Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the practice of using microinjections of conventional or homeopathic medications and/or vitamins into the skin.

Mesotherapy for Lipolysis and cellulite reduction :The medications and nutritional supplements that are used in mesotherapy work to melt the fat beneath the skin and shrink your fat cells as well as cellulite. Since there are different levels of cellulite, your doctor will develop a formula based on your grade of cellulite. During treatment, the formula is painlessly injected into the cellulite at regular intervals along the affected area. The process of correcting cellulite typically requires 6 to 12 sessions per area.

Mesotherapy for Facial Rejuvenation :If you want a virtual face lift without plastic surgery, our Mesotherapy specialists can help. Mesotherapy is ideal for facial rejuvenation candidates who don’t want to use surgical facelifts. Facial rejuvenation through Mesotherapy, or Mesolift, can be successfully applied to reduce wrinkles around the face, neck, the area around the eyes and the hands, achieving tighter and smoother skin that creates younger appearance. For the best results you may also want to combine Mesotherapy with use Botox or dermal fillers or both. But this does not apply to every one. Most patients should do well without these additional treatments. Our skincare specialists will tell you if you need them as well.

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss :Alopecia in women is attributed to 3 factors: genetics, aging and hormonal changes (in women). With our Mesotherapy procedure you can also have the diminished supply of vitamins and minerals replaced. The medications that we will use in your Mesotherapy procedure will increase blood circulation to your scalp and stimulate the hair follicles. Mesotherapy generally requires several sessions spread over weekly or monthly basis after the first session and more widely separated later.