Take the First Step in Disaster Survival Planning


Transportation means is also a must. 4wd cars for Combat Fighter Review  rough terrains, boats can be stocked until the aftermath. Include motor bikes, bicycles, hot air balloons, parachutes and paraglide too. Don't ever fail to remember to stock fuels, oils, and water. It is also a need for us to get books with all the possible subjects that we can find. This will attain our knowledge about everything here on earth.

We must be familiar with that in surviving, we have to be prepared and take the necessary actions for our survival. It is for the sake of our future and the future of the next generation.

The first treatment which is given by an ordinary person or by a first aider to a person hurt or injured in an accident before the arrival of the doctor or before the person is taken to hospital is known as first aid. It can be given at the spot or on the way to hospital. Moreover this kind of treatment given to anybody who falls suddenly ill is also called first aid.

First aid ranges from cleaning wound and bandaging it to dealing with serious wounds or injuries caused by major disaster like fire, tsunami, volcano or earthquake. The credit of first aid goes to Henry Duna who directly involved himself to give aid to the victims during the war. The aim of first aid is to save the casualty's life from the most dreadful enemy of living beings- the death. Likewise the goals are also to prevent the casualty's condition from getting worse; to promote healing and recovery and arrange a doctor or an expert as soon as possible.
