Few Questions Parents Should Ask During Nursery Inspection

Education and Training

Choosing a nursery is one task which parent to young children reach with much assessment and trepidation. This is obviously because like any new parent they are extremely concerned about the well-being of their children. They aspire their children to get the best start in the ladder of education. Kids having a less than good inception, might have to struggle to catch up with the rest of their peers. Therefore, it is crucial that parents choose the correct nursery.

Since, parents usually choose their nursery following an inspection visit, Kids Island Nursery has designed a set of questions which parents can ask from the teachers and management at the concerned institution. This will really help them understand the quality of the preschool.

First of all, they should find out what are the qualifications and experience of the teachers. Do they have the requisite skills and knowledge to be instructing young children? An easy way of doing this is by finding out whether the nursery is accredited to an international learning standards body such as Early Years Foundation Stage (EYES) in the UK. This body makes sure that the teachers recruited to the nursery are all of the highest quality and have exhibited their skills in prior adequate experience. Another important aspect to this is that the classrooms should have a healthy staff student ratio.

Secondly, parents should find out how the daily routine of the nursery is like. Is it regimented or is it more free. Certain parents prefer a more social environment whereas other prefer the reverse. Whatever it is, parents should have a healthy discussion with the management of the nursery to understand what sort of system will be suitable for their child in today’s modern age. Parents should enquire as to whether they need to provide daily provisions to their child when he attends the nursery, or if the nursery is equipped to handle all provisions.

Thirdly, parents should find out what sort of play activities that the nursery has available. The nursery should have adequate play facilities, with an outdoor arena. This is essential in order to keep the children occupied and build up necessary skills.


About Kids Island Nursery

Kids Island Nursey is an internationally reputed nursery that is based in Dubai. Founded by Isabelle Amatoury, an international expert on pre-school education. It is located in the center of Dubai for ease of access.

The nursery follows the world recognised British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYES), which is one of the highest quality of learning available in pre-school education. Its teachers and staff have the requisite international experience and qualifications, so as to provide the best care to the children.

Its equipment and facilities are all sourced from leading preschool equipment manufacturers in the world. Its classrooms are designed to ensure that children are comfortable and able to access learning materials with ease.