Great coverage of ShopSavvy today!
I just awoke to find a few great articles on ShopSavvy this morning. The first article was from ABC News that described ShopSavvy as a “Lifestyle App That Makes Life Easier“. Ki Heussner from ABC’s Gadget Guide described ShopSavvy as “An oldie-but-goodie,” suggesting, “ShopSavvy is a necessary scanner app iphone for every budget-conscious shopper.” The next article was by Geoffrey Fowler and Yukari Kane from the Wall Street Journal titled, “Price Check: Finding Deals with a Phone“. The article begins by describing how Erik Olson used ShopSavvy to scan the price of a Blu-ray DVD at Best Buy only to find it cheaper at Walmart. Later in the article Ivory Johnson of Georgia explained, “ShopSavvy has changed my method of shopping.” Ivory’s sister explained that his sister used ShopSavvy to get a $50 refund from a retailer after scanning the barcode on the Flip UltraHD camera she had previously bought.
Next, I read an article by Kent McNeil suggesting that ShopSavvy would help Ebay drive more than $500M in mobile-based revenue this year alone. I can’t wait to see what we can do in 2010. Kent specifically noted that ShopSavvy is one of two companies that are using PayPal’s open technology for payments (the other is Kent’s piece was a followup on a USA Today article titled, “CEO tries to breath new life into eBay and PayPal.“ The article mentioned that ShopSavvy was part of eBay’s new strategy.
Finally lots of little mentions of the new release, specifically the iPhone Bible, MacMegasite, prMac, reported that we had launched ShopSavvy v.1.1 for iPhone and Touch.
Weekly ShopSavvy Wallet Report
Kevin was kind enough to build a weekly report I am comfortable sharing with with the world. The report currently covers:
- Wallet Purchases by Retailer
- Wallet Shipping (Paid vs Free)
- Wallet Taxes (Taxed vs Non-Taxed)
- Average Purchase Value
- Average Shipping Charge
- Average Tax Charge
Somethings to consider. Since our wallet is new and our sample size is still small the data may change drastically. Additionally, in this week’s report Barnes & Noble has more than 50% of the overall purchases, but it is important to realize that retailers like Target and Walmart were not fully functional until yesterday. If you have any suggestions please pass them along to sales-shopsavvy and we will consider adding them to the report.
ShopSavvy Barcode Scanning Licensing (FREE)
We have decided to license our barcode scanning technology under two free models:
Data Sharing. Free License for Applications that share their data with ShopSavvy (food data, price data, allergy data, review data and so on). If your data can help ShopSavvy provide users with a better experience we will share our technology with you for free. We will ALSO provide a link to your app providing you with a free advertising channel.
Publishing License. Free License for Applications that use Big in Japan’s app publishing services. We announced this model previously in post titled, “License our barcode scanning tech for free” (you can read more there).
We have scanning libraries for Android AF, Android non-AF, RIM, 2/3G iPhone, 3GS iPhone and Windows Mobile. If you are interested just email or call.
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