Culture is commonly referred to as a peculiar matrix of behavior patterns in society, which is formed at the mental level. We are talking about the standard reactions of people who have grown up in the same cultural environment, as well as the constructive interaction of individuals within the same group in all manifestations of life, ranging from technical developments to simple human emotions. Read more here:
The culture of a particular country is a kind of set of behaviors for each individual case. These are common to most. We are talking about concepts, traditions and classical attitudes, as well as established rules, which are inherent in people of one or another mentality.
Culture is an essential element of the social order. There is no way to do without it. Culture is necessary to keep people within certain limits. Imagine if everyone did what they wanted to do. Culture also helps to build communication and facilitate understanding within the group. When there is some common ground, it is much easier for individuals to understand each other, and to anticipate the reactions of the other person to certain phrases or actions.
Culture is a common characteristic of people who live within the same country or its particular region. It is clear that not all situations are prescribed in laws and norms. However, a cultured person, even in an unfamiliar environment, will be able to compare events and behave correctly on the basis of existing values.
The presence of a common culture is a sign that in the same situation people will behave in the same way. It is a set of unwritten rules. Each person must know and understand the essence of existing laws. Otherwise, he will not be able to become a full member of the group and express himself positively. It is worth saying that some of the rules are learned by man "with the milk of his mother", but others must be cultivated in himself. No time should be spared for cultural development.
Culture is a special concept, which implies both human activity, human self-expression, human self-knowledge, accumulation of knowledge and experience by man, and it is a set of forms of activity, a set of rules of behavior. On this basis, culture is necessary for human development. Why? Because culture unites all the achievements of man and allows him to pass achievements and knowledge to other generations, on the basis of which the next generations come up with something new and so on. Also, cultural behavior allows man to control himself, and again to evolve.
What benefits does it bring?
In general, culture fulfills such functions as the function of transmission of social experience, the function of concentration of knowledge and its transmission to others, the function of regulation of the behavior of people and entire societies, the humanistic function, the humanistic function. In addition, culture has a sign and value function. Therefore, culture is useful in many aspects: the development of people, the development of humanity as a process, the concentration and transfer of knowledge, social experience. Plus, culture regulates behavior, ridding it of mistakes.
How do you assess your personal level of culture?
I don't think my level of culture is very high or simple high, but also not low. I know my manners, rules of etiquette, I am good with them, I behave appropriately in public places and at home, and I have read a number of books, am familiar with history, can hold a conversation on various topics, have a little understanding of art and music. I would say that my personal level of culture is normal, on an average level.