Gear Up for a Safe & Happy Spring with These Driving Tips


It’s time to spring forward into a new season in Canada. As daylight saving time begins on 12th March, you can expect to see some changes in the weather, your sleep, you’re driving habits and your vehicles.

As you tend to lose out one’s hour of sleep during this time, it is important to change your habits a little so that you don’t feel drowsy behind the wheel. Your Car Insurance Brokers will also advise you to follow safety tips in spring to lower your policy premiums. We bring you some safe driving tips for a happy and safe spring this year: 

1. Be an Early Bird
Start going to bed 15 minutes early before it’s time to change the clocks. By doing so, your body will slowly get accustomed to the changed timings. You should also adjust other aspects of your routine that provide time cues to your body. For instance, you can eat dinner a little earlier in the evening.

2. Don’t Remove Your Winter Tires Yet
While you may be tempted to change your tires as the season changes, it is recommended to keep them on until the temperature stays above 7 degrees Celsius.

3. Be Prepared for Ice
Canadians can still expect some snow and as such, the warmth of the spring sun might end up melting the snow and ice along the road. If you notice wet-looking roads while driving or the temperatures start falling, be prepared for ice and slow down.

4. Attentive Road Sense
Spring is the time for most road works so expect construction on your route. You might experience highway maintenance, pothole repairs and other roadworks that will require you to drive slowly and be aware of your surroundings. Also, increase your following distance for better road sense.

5. Gearing Up for Spring Time
It’s best to set your clocks to spring time on Saturday, 11th March, in the evening itself and sleep on your normal bedtime. This will help you spring forward your sleep from one night before and you can continue this bedtime on Sunday too. Try and get some Vitamin D by waking up early on Sunday and soaking in the early morning sunlight.

6. Pay Attention to Kids and Animals
Spring brings many children outside as they love the warm weather. However, most of the kids aren’t paying attention to the traffic so drive slowly around residential areas and school zones. Also, be careful of teenagers who are fixated on their cell phones and aren’t aware of the coming vehicles. Animals who hibernate in winter also step outside now looking for food. Slowing down in areas where animal traffic is high is crucial.

7. Never Drive Distracted
Always keep your focus on the road and avoid any distractions like music, coffee or food while driving. Also, please refrain from using your phone behind the wheel, even if it is hands-free.

With the change in the season, it may also be time to change your auto insurance policy and premium rates. Speak to your car insurance brokers for the best rates in the current market scenario.

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