Facts to know about acne treatment in Delhi


Is your beauty getting suppressed because of the acnes and the scars in your face? Is your confidence level going down because of this situation? Then read this article to get your answer as it is going to tell you about laser surgeries and how the popular acne treatment in Delhi or any other major cities can make your life better.

The Procedure of Acne Laser Treatment

Acne laser treatment basically involves a light or laser beam being focused on the top layer of skin. The heat generated from this disposes your scarred tissues so that new tissues can grow to replace the old ones. But to cure pimples, whiteheads, acne nodules or blackheads, different type of laser treatments are used. Therefore it is best to consult with your dermatologist before opting for the treatment.

Although it sounds very convenient to opt for laser treatment, the results differs from person to person. Also, although the treatment starts showing effects after 2 days of the treatment, the complete result takes time and are long lasting. Any acne scar treatment in Delhi or any other popular clinic in India normally asks the patient for multiple sittings to fully utilize the process and suggests follow up treatments to maintain the result.

Side Effects of the Treatment

Redness and Swelling are some minor and temporary side effects that normally takes place after the procedure. In some odd cases, however, the patient can experience continuous pain, blisters and burns on the skin. A sudden change in skin color may also occur. Therefore a person must carefully follow the pre and post instructions a dermatologist gives before the treatment.

Generally, laser treatments cost are not covered by insurances, so that is a shut door for you. The price of such procedures depends on the number of scars you want to treat, the area of the body you want to treat or the number of sitting you would need. In big cities, like the acne treatment cost in Delhi or Kolkata may vary from 3000-8000 rupees according to the clinics reputation.